One LMS – Endless Possibilities
Create learning that fits your needs - whether it's internal within the company or for customers.
"I’d describe the Cursum team as experts within their field, professional, and straightforward." - Lasse Skjelmose
"Can highly recommend them" - Storyboard
"I’d describe the Cursum team as experts within their field, professional, and straightforward." - Lasse Skjelmose
"Can highly recommend them" - Storyboard
"I’d describe the Cursum team as experts within their field, professional, and straightforward." - Lasse Skjelmose
"Can highly recommend them" - Storyboard
"I’d describe the Cursum team as experts within their field, professional, and straightforward." - Lasse Skjelmose
"Can highly recommend them" - Storyboard

courses completed in
The Cursum platform
courses completed in
The Cursum platform
virksomheder bruger
virksomheder bruger
aktive brugere
på Cursum-platformen
aktive brugere
på Cursum-platformen
Course organization tailored to language, location, and employee level
Course organization tailored to language, location, and employee level
Our groundbreaking user and course segmentation allows for personalized learning. Create unique learning environments with flexible administration that ensures each user receives the most relevant and effective learning experience.
Our groundbreaking user and course segmentation allows for personalized learning. Create unique learning environments with flexible administration that ensures each user receives the most relevant and effective learning experience.
Innovative division of internal and external users
Innovative division of internal and external users
Innovative division of internal and external users
Enables seamless management of learning for employees, aftersales, partners, and freelancers from one central platform that no one else can offer.
Enables seamless management of learning for employees, aftersales, partners, and freelancers from one central platform that no one else can offer.
Enables seamless management of learning for employees, aftersales, partners, and freelancers from one central platform that no one else can offer.
User-friendly Dashboard for Advanced Data Analysis
User-friendly Dashboard for Advanced Data Analysis
Our user-friendly dashboard provides an advanced overview of data and statistics. Easily access detailed insights that help you make informed decisions and optimize learning processes.
Our user-friendly dashboard provides an advanced overview of data and statistics. Easily access detailed insights that help you make informed decisions and optimize learning processes.
Engage your employees and increase completion rates
Engage your employees and increase completion rates
Improved learning design with a focus on engagement ensures that your employees are more involved and complete their courses. Increase engagement and completion rates with our platform that motivates and inspires.
Improved learning design with a focus on engagement ensures that your employees are more involved and complete their courses. Increase engagement and completion rates with our platform that motivates and inspires.
Improved learning design with a focus on engagement ensures that your employees are more involved and complete their courses. Increase engagement and completion rates with our platform that motivates and inspires.
1.7 mio kurser gennemført af vores 150+ glade kunder!
1.7 mio kurser gennemført af vores 150+ glade kunder!
“Cursum is an incredibly skilled and service-minded supplier with a very modern, solid and user-friendly system. Can highly recommend them.”
“Cursum is an incredibly skilled and service-minded supplier with a very modern, solid and user-friendly system. Can highly recommend them.”
Karl Fredrik, Storyboard AS
“Cursum is without a doubt the most modern creator of digital learning.”
“Cursum is without a doubt the most modern creator of digital learning.”
Lasse Skjelmose, Fellowmind Denmark
“Very flexible and service-minded partner. When it comes to professional input and choosing the right solutions, my experience is also top notch.”
“Very flexible and service-minded partner. When it comes to professional input and choosing the right solutions, my experience is also top notch.”
Troels Pedersen, RedMinKrop
Skab et kursus
Skab et kursus
med hjælp fra AI
med hjælp fra AI

Opret automatisk kursusstruktur, du efterfølgende kan tilrette
Opbygning af emnespecifikke mapper og sider
Forslag til fangende titler og overskrifter
Sparing til lærerige tekster
Generering af quizzer, aktiviteter og indhold
All Learning Styles Gathered on One Platform
Make upskilling easy and manageable by gathering all your upskilling in one consolidated solution!
Alle Læringsformer Samlet på Én Platform
All Learning Forms Collected on One Platform
Make upskilling easy and manageable by bringing all your upskilling into one combined solution!
Flexible and interactive learning tailored to your time and pace
Flexible and interactive learning tailored to your time and pace
Physical Courses
Effective management of physical courses with integrated reminders and instructor administration
Physical Courses
Effective management of physical courses with integrated reminders and instructor administration
Automated compliance check to ensure that employees have completed and understood the learning
I acknowledge my responsibility to thoroughly read, understand, and stay updated with the contents of the companies Code of Conduct.
Automated compliance check to ensure that employees have completed and understood the learning
I acknowledge my responsibility to thoroughly read, understand, and stay updated with the contents of the companies Code of Conduct.
Learning plans
Tailored learning pathways that ensure continuous development and achievement of goals

Learning plans
Tailored learning pathways that ensure continuous development and achievement of goals

Cursum A/S / +45 5384 1953 / [email protected]